Foundation Stage

Welcome to the Hedgehogs and Otters class page. We are the youngest children in the school and we are known as the Foundation Stage
In the Hedgehogs our teacher is called Mrs Allen and our teaching assistant is Mrs Harris. The Otters are taught by Mrs Philp and Mrs Kind (on Thursday's) and our teaching assistant is called Mrs Satchell. Together they all work together to help us become effective learners.
Autumn in the EYFS
We have super busy already, making new friends and learning how to be a Otter or Hedgehog!
Our Environment
We have two large, bright classroom environments next door to each other each with our own toilets and hand washing facilities. Each room also has an interactive smart TV.
We have different areas essential to ensure a well-rounded curriculum from an ever changing role play and writing area to a reading corner for story reading and other quiet activities.
Children at this stage in their school life are also required to have access to outside. We have a large outside classroom and access to a sensory quadrangle which can be accessed independently from our classroom doors. We use these areas throughout the day, working on various activities which have been planned for us or we have been inspired by.
Having classrooms close by and a shared outside classroom allows us to freely move around the environments engaging with all children and adults in the Foundation Stage. This supports our development of positive relationships and socialising with a wide variety of people extended by some of the Year 2 children coming to visit our class to share their reading books with us. (Not at this time due to Covid-19 restrictions).
The Curriculum
The curriculum for the Foundation Stage in our school reflects the curriculum guidelines to meet the Early Learning Goals. There are 7 ‘areas of learning and development’ broken into specific and prime areas:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social & Emotional Development
- Physical Development
A day in the EYFS
There are always many questions about how the children in the Foundation Stage spend their day. Below you will find a little information and photos to show how our day is structured into different areas of learning. Structuring our day in this way supports the children to become independent learners.
Teacher Led
Activities that have had some whole class input to learn a new skill. Working in a small group with the teacher or teaching assistant. These activities directly contribute as evidence towards an individuals end of year assessment against the Early Learning Goals.
Child Initiated
The children are allowed to choose anything around the classroom to play with. There is the expectation that they can select what they would like and tidy away at the end of the session.
Teacher Initiated
Activities that reinforce previous learning. Set up and demonstrated by the teacher or teaching assistant, the children are expected to carry out these activities independently throughout the course of the day. These activities directly contribute as evidence towards an individuals end of year assessment against the Early Learning Goals.
Outside Classroom
An extension of the learning taking place inside. A group of activities are set up outside for the week. The children can readily access these throughout the day with the supervision of the teaching assistant.
Our Topics
Our year is split into topics, which all our activities and work will revolve around. This provides a cross curricular approach and enables a sound understanding of various subjects. To find out more about which areas of the curriculum we cover each half term click on the blue link to read our half termly letter which is sent out to all. At times we may change these topics or choose to do them at different times of the year.
Autumn 1 - Settling in & Magical Me
Click on the image to see what we will be learning in our first half term of school

Autumn 2 - Into the Night
During this half term we will be looking at all aspects of night time! learning about Guy Fawkes, nocturnal animals and people who go to work. We will be using the story of 'Funnybones' to go on our first class trip. Taking a walk into Ingatestone to compare our village with the town in the story. We will also be celebrating the Hindu festival of Diwali, the Jewish fesitval of Hannukah and the Christian festival of Christmas.

Spring 1 - Let's Go
Watch this space.....

Spring 2 - To Infinity & Beyond
Watch this space......

Summer 1 - Whimsical Worlds
Watch this space.....

Summer 2 - The Big Blue
Watch this space.......